
According to UFO hunters, this ancient city of Atlantis is situated in the Sahara Desert

1 min read

Whispers from the past speak of the Richat Structure, popularly known as the Eye of the Sahara. This mesmerizing formation, with its intricate spirals, has forever been a puzzle for the inquisitive. While many believe its creation bears the touch of ancient civilizations, recent findings suggest nature’s own handiwork.

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Initial theories hinted at the catastrophic descent of a celestial body, a meteorite, shaping this colossal eye. Yet, no cosmic relic was ever uncovered within its depths. Instead, the sculpting power of sedimentary rocks, weathered over eons, was revealed as the true artist.

Some posit that the tectonic dance, heating and stretching over a hundred million years, birthed this enigma. Echoes of a cataclysmic event reverberate through history – an event powerful enough to tear the mighty Pangea asunder, birthing the continents of South America and Africa.

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Yet, amidst these geological tales, legends resurface. Tales of an ancient civilization’s ingenuity in concealing the mythical Lost City of Atlantis right under the gaze of the Eye. Plato’s old writings hint at the Richat Structure being the final resting place of this sunken city.

Are we on the brink of unveiling a city lost to time? Current protections shield this site, keeping its mysteries locked away. But for how long?

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