
Aboriginal people may have been created through unions between aliens and people from Earth

3 mins read

In hidden corners of our vast world, mysterious tombs whisper tales of enigmatic, otherworldly beings. One such tale rises from the heart of the elusive Hebita cave, cradled within China’s “Forbidden Zone”. Here, a treasure trove of 716 skeletal remains rests, their unique physiques—enormous eye sockets, oversized skulls, and a stature barely touching 130 cm—set them apart from humankind.

Hanging gracefully around each skeletal neck, stone disks of about 30 cm in diameter shimmer with cryptic carvings.

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In the 60s, the linguist Toum Um Nuem embarked on the intricate journey of deciphering these markings. The story he unveiled was of the Dropa tribe, their last known existence chronicled by English explorer, Caryl Robin-Evans in 1947. These disks spoke of an ancient voyage from a distant star near Sirius. A catastrophic event around 1014 AD led to their space vessel’s destruction, stranding the Dropa on Earth.

The seasoned archaeologist, Walter von Moltke, on venturing into the “alien cave”, deduced it might be the resting place of the Dropa, their final sanctuary. Intriguingly, 12 out of the 716 remains stood out, with even more pronounced features, suggestive of an origin beyond our planet.

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Tales handed down through generations spoke of the Dropa tribe’s annihilation. However, in a remote Chinese village, whispers of peculiar happenings persist. Its inhabitants, merely reaching a height of 115 cm, have long been dismissed as anomalies of nature. Yet, some ufologists dare to theorize a lineage born from an intimate union between humans and extraterrestrials.

Further intrigue was added in 1972, when in the Kherson region, within the depths of the High Grave mound, archaeologists unearthed a singular old man. His unusual frame bore long limbs and a distinct hunchback. Strangely, this figure was buried atop a seven-wheeled cart, radiating 12 distinct paths, echoing the mystical importance of numbers 7 and 12 in ancient lore.

Perhaps this enigmatic mound served as an observatory? And who was this old being with the notable hunchback and elongated limbs? Could he be yet another star voyager?

Near the Algyi River’s banks, within the legendary Yakut Valley of Death, tales of an “iron hole” persist. Nomads speak of chambers filled with curious metal objects and describe eerily preserved corpses that bear little resemblance to any known humanoids.

In these silent whispers of the land, stories of beings not of this world resonate. As we delve deeper, the lines between myth and reality blur, and the mysteries of the universe unfold.

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