

3 mins read

In the shadowed depths of a mine in Donetsk, Ukraine, the year 2008 unveiled a perplexing enigma: a relic that bore the uncanny resemblance to a wheel, thought to be from a staggering 300 million years ago.

Imagine the bewilderment of the miners when they unearthed something so curiously similar to a modern wheel, securely ensconced within ancient sandstone. Yet, the enigma intensified.

Deep within the J3 “Sukhodolsky” coal layer, 900 meters beneath the Earth’s crust, a mysterious trace of another wheel was encountered by the drillers.

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VV Kruzhilin, the deputy chief of the mine, managed to capture this bizarre anomaly through his lens and handed it over to the mine’s director, S. Kasatkin. Alas, the images remained the solitary testament to this discovery as the depths of the mine stayed off limits for further scrutiny.

The surrounding Rostov region, near Donetsk, lies atop carboniferous rocks aged between 300 to 360 million years. Yet, pinpointing an exact date for the stratum bearing the wheel’s impression remains an enigma.

Could it be possible that this wheel was imprisoned within these layers millions of years ago, gradually decaying through a process known as diagenesis, similar to the formation of fossils?

In his haunting communication, S. Kasatkin fervently expressed that this was no mere spectacle for public intrigue. He recollected the yearning of his team in 2008 to summon scientists for a thorough examination. Yet, whispers of the discovery were silenced by the higher-ups, and work was expedited. Sadly, the relics found later were stuck, impossible to extract and study. Against the commands, some courageous souls managed to capture this marvel.

Navigating the mine’s depths is no easy feat, laden with perils and stringent access constraints. This “wheel,” a silent testament to an unknown past, remained untouched. Attempts to extract it were thwarted by the sheer resilience of the sandstone. Now, since the mine’s closure in 2009, the relic lies submerged, perhaps forever.

While the photographic remnants and hushed whispers remain the only evidence of this mysterious discovery, it is not alone in its enigma.

Could there be credence to the idea of man-made wheels lying beneath strata 300 million years old?

From the verdant lands of France, Spain, and Italy to the vast expanse of Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and even North America, traces of ancient wheels whisper tales of a time long gone.

Prominent among these are the “Maltese Footprints” near the Dingli Cliffs, which have, over time, captivated scholars and theorists. Further east, in Turkey, similar traces emerge in Sofca and Cappadocia, weaving a web of mysteries.

Despite the disputes over their age, many concur on their antiquity, considering their proximity to megalithic sites, especially in Malta.

The enigmatic wheel from Ukraine’s depths beckons a profound question: Did ancient civilizations possess technologies that history has yet to fully acknowledge?

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