
Experts have determined that octopus DNA is not native to our planet

2 mins read

Prepare to delve into one of nature’s most enigmatic riddles. Scientists, in their quest for knowledge, have embarked on a journey to unravel the mysteries encrypted within the DNA of cephalopods. The motivation? These beings possess the uncanny ability to alter neural attributes rapidly, influencing their memory and capacity to learn.

Deep within the genetic makeup of cephalopods lie the secrets of their intricate skin, powerful suckers, and a nervous system unparalleled in nature.

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These creatures harbor a neural network boasting half a billion neurons. Intriguingly, these neurons are not confined within their skulls but spread beyond, negating the need for a spinal cord, unlike many other creatures on our planet.

The marvels of their cognitive prowess don’t end there. Even when one of their appendages is severed, their brain functions remain unhampered. It’s a testimony to nature’s unparalleled feats of biological innovation.

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The secret behind this enigma? Reflectins. These are a set of six protein genes that dictate how light interacts with the octopus’s skin.

Many have mused upon the octopus’s origins, given its myriad complexities. Some researchers, venturing into the realm of the extraordinary, speculate that these creatures might have extraterrestrial origins or, at the very least, harbor genetic information from otherworldly sources.

What say you in this cryptic debate?

Immerse yourself in the video below to explore further, and we invite you to share your thoughts and theories with us.


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